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Privacy policy Terms of Use Cookie policy

1. Overview

(a) We advertise services through our website and provide services to users on the Blog.

(b) Our online platform consists of our website located at (“Platform”). Please read these terms and conditions (“Terms”) carefully, as they form an agreement (“Agreement”) between Platform users and us. By using the Platform, you agree to the Terms in this Agreement.

(c) This Agreement, Privacy Policy and all policies and guidelines regarding the Service are in agreement with the Competition and Consumer Act of 2010, (Consumer Act of America). If you do not agree with any of the Terms of the Agreement, you must stop using the Platform immediately.

(d) We reserve the right to change the Terms at any time, and by continuing to use the Platform, you are agreeing to the Terms applicable from time to time.

2. Scopes

(a) Our Platform is a digital platform that connects users seeking adult services (“Users”) who provide those services (“Advertisers”). Users and Advertisers may use the Platform for the purposes of this agreement.

(b) Our role is limited to facilitating access to the Platform and the adult services offered by Advertisers on the Platform (“Advertiser Service”).

(c) In providing our service, we aim to:

• (1) ensure the reliability and confidentiality of the Services;

• (2) protect the image and reputation of All Adult Services as a responsible provider of Adult Services; and

 • (3) To encourage responsible use of our Services and to prevent any defamatory, defamatory or illegal use of the Platform.

(d) We do not own, create, sell, resell, provide, control, manage, deliver or supply any Advertiser’s Services on the Platform.

(e) When the User connects with an Advertiser for their services after viewing their Profile on the Platform, the User enters into a binding contract directly with the Advertiser.

(f) We are not a party or participant in any contractual relationship between Users. We do not act as an agent or employer for any User in any capacity.

(g) never has any Responsibility for its external links. The user does it voluntarily. Content, Images, links written on the Platform, on the Blog have no Reality. Thanks to the Google Translate Plugin on the Platform, the Contents change according to the language users want to see.

 (h) Some Content has no truth. Completely Some content is fictional.

3. Access to the Service

3.1 Usage

By accessing the platform:

(a) You agree to these Terms and our Privacy Policy, which creates a contractual relationship between you and us;

(b) You represent and warrant that:

  • (i) you are at least 18 years old;
  • (2) You have the right, authority and capacity to accept and comply with the terms of the contract;
  • (3) You will use the Platform in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and all other; and
  • (4) Although you agree that all Adult Services will not be liable to you in any way.

(c) You acknowledge and agree that:

  • (1) We are not a party or participant in any contractual relationship between users;
  • (2) A User’s acquisition of any Advertiser’s Service and an Advertiser’s provision of such Service are at each party’s own risk. You must exercise due care and caution at all times when using the Platform;
  • (3) we do not warrant the existence, availability, suitability, legality or security of any Advertiser’s Service;
  • (4) We do not control the accuracy or completeness of User Content through the Platform (“User Content” as defined below, and Advertiser’s Material).

4. Use of the Platform

4.1 Platform Usage

By accessing the platform, you must::

(a) Using the platform for legal purposes only;

(b) not take any action or engage in any practice that will:

  • (1) harmful to our systems, reputation or goodwill; or
  • (2) interfere with the integrity of the Platform, including but not limited to hacking, transmitting any virus, spyware, malware or any other code of a destructive or disruptive nature;

(c) not create Accounts with us by unauthorized means, including through an automated device, script, bot or other similar means;

(drestrict or attempt to restrict another user’s use of the Platform;

(e) not encourage or facilitate violations of the Terms;

(f) must not distribute or send communications that include:

  • (1) spam, chain letters, fakes or pyramid schemes;
  • (2) false, false or misleading information; or
  • (3) harassment or malicious intent (such as “mail-bombing” or “trolling” or constituting harassment in terms of the size or frequency of messages or language);

4.2 Feedback and Communication

Your feedback is important to us and our community. We welcome and encourage you to provide feedback, reviews, comments and suggestions (“Feedback”) for improvements to the Platform and our Service. You can send Feedback by contacting us through the Platform.

Email Address : [email protected]